Thursday, February 22, 2007


Crime is everyone’s fear. How do we get rid of it, and how do we keep it from spreading?

The City of New Orleans is a political subdivision of the State, and it needs direct support and intervention where necessary to fight crime and to prosecute defendants. Simply put, we need more numbers and better trained police in New Orleans. The State can help more, but it also has a shortage of troopers. We need to invest and upgrade our public commitment to this vital need. Calls to the police should be responded to immediately and the police need to be present and visible in the hot spots at all times. As a State Representative, I will support creation of a larger presence of State troopers in New Orleans. This will not only support NOPD immediately, but it will build a larger well trained force for future assignment anywhere in Louisiana.

Secondly, the Criminal Justice System in New Orleans, both judicial and prosecutorial, needs overhauling. As a lawyer, I can assure you this is an area where my knowledge will help our district. The reason for delay in court or prosecutorial performance must be examined. Whether systemic or competence related, we cannot continue to roll along as we have in the past. The system must get the tools its needs. State of the art technology and training is vital. As a State Representative, in order to support prosecution, I will propose allocation of resources to greater funding, training, and accountability of both the District Attorney’s Office and the State or City police Detective Units.

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