Thursday, February 22, 2007


Mike asks: I live right next to City Park, and my kids participate at the track and soccer fields. I rarely see any police. What can you do to help?

There is only one security gaurd on the payroll in the park. I know he does his job, because I have called him, but he can't be everywhere at once. If we have more State Police assigned to the City, then more NOPD can be deployed in other areas like City Park. City Park, as a tourist attraction at the end of a street car line with a major museum deserves more State priority. The problems with Park management start with money; however, the land still belongs to the City. The interstate runs right through the park and this is additional justification for immediate trooper presence. Right now it seems that security is weak. For instance, I have observed a man still living right under the overpass on Marconi Drive, and he has been there for quite a while. Why does this persist? The solution is to get NOPD to patrol more and to fund some additional Park security. Watch your children close. Thanks for the question.

Please email me with other questions at, and I'll answer them here.